Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Jesus Weigh" Wed. #4 Rainbow Way!

... and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your heart with food and gladness. (Acts 14:17)

Subject of the day: beta-Carotene: is an organic compound and classified as a terpenoid. It is a strongly-colored red-Orange pigment abundant in plants & fruits. It is a form of Vitamin A.

U.S.D.A. lists top #5 sources of beta-Carotene as:
1. Carrot juice; many recipes on net, haven't tried any our self! V-8 Splash is pretty good though!
2. Pumpkin, canned; pie, bread,seeds; eat all in moderation!
3. Sweet potatoes, Baked
4. Spinach, frozen, cooked; we like adding it to lasagna, in with the ricotta; may be made vegetarian, or with meat! YuM!! I also make an Asparagus casserole with spinach added! Ask & the recipes shall be given to you! :) Don't want to waste valuable time; if nobody's interested!
5. Last, but not least, good ole fashion Carrots, cooked! Listen to your Mom's and eat your veggies! lol
Fruits include: Mangoes & Papaya
Hopefully, you will be able to add a few of these ideas to your diet plan.

Losing-IT-HIS WaY,

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