Monday, August 30, 2010

*Seek, Find, Knock..."

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)

So, it is Monday which normally means "Marriage Matters" Blog... well I wasn't "feeling" it today! But, the Lord had other plans! Alas a Blog is meant to be produced for today; just not specifically on Marriage!

Lord knows the last week has been "tough"... Spiritually, Emotionally etc. He knows circumstances! Just starting to come out of the specific "funk;" turning to HiM... "Duty" called! After having maybe 3 hours sleep... I was exhausted! Hubby graciously got kids up and off to school before heading into work. I slowly attempted to begin my day! Keziah happily played in my Bedroom; I made quick use of the restroom (5 min.) Bored Keziah= Lock & Closed Mommy's DooR! Upon exiting R/R I "Seek to Find the scenario!" She's "Knocking" to get out! Bawling, Screaming, Crying Hysterically! Of course Prayer ensued... Lord "You got a Problem!" Fortunately lil SiS was on the way to watch kids after school. Sweet P. began to reach out her little hand from under the door (My touch soothed her) then it was a foot! The house key SiS had wasn't the right one for the "Back Door." Option #2: Thanks to Elijah we had multiple screw drivers in a drawer. Window with A/C in it has plexi-glass, so sis was able to just reach to remove most screws from top part of window! PTL!!! She crawled in and after an hour Sweet P. was Out!

I thought of the many who are "Locked" in their own "Rooms" called "Life." They feel "Trapped," just want out... like my lil girl! They whine and scream and cry! They shake the handle, bang on "The Door..." wondering if anyone hears them; if Somebody Cares?! In Revelation 3:20 Jesus states, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
He does have a few expectations for those wanting a relationship with HiM! "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." (Matt. 7:8) It's that simple!

I know without HiM I would not have been able to have "Safely" gotten my daughter out... Lord knows! He "Knew" just what was needed, even before I did! HiS timing is "Perfection!" I could of been stuck with a 22-month old locked in a room with all the keys & my purse. I was wearing less than appropriate leave the house attire; and 3 kids waiting to be picked up from school! He knows our needs even when we don't! He even helped "repair" some of my "Hurts" from the previous week, HE knows details! If you need to know, Ask HiM!! :) Now, I know why my Fave & Life verse is & Always will be, "For I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens Me!!" (Phil. 4:13)

He's Patiently Waiting for many to "Open the Door to HiM!" Are You One of them?!

IMpatiently Awaiting HiS Return,
HiS Daughter,

1 comment:

  1. robinbburgess@hotmail.comSeptember 12, 2014 at 8:39 PM

    I saw your blog post of Cheri Keaggy's blog and followed you here. I really loved your post about Knocking. I believe you are right. Many are screaming and yelling and wanting to "get out". You have a great way with your words - the Lord Bless you and keep you and your precious family.
