Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jesus Weigh Wednesday #2

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Does anyone ever get weak when dieting...? I know that I used to get excited for about the first 2-3 days, maybe a week at the most... But then fizzle out when I didn't see dramatic results. I would think to myself it's not worth it. I was looking for the quick fix. The fact of the matter is I didn't get this way overnight, I could not be fixed overnight either. I had to realize first, I needed to be fully dependant on God. He does not want us to waste away our bodies on things that are not beneficial to us. He desires for us to be healthy, but I realize that sometimes healthy things aren't as appealing as unhealthy things. We cannot look at eating as an enemy of ours nor do we just stop eating all together. God created food to help us. Though he did not create all the variety of junk food that fill our shelves, He did create things that are beneficial to our bodies. Think of all the things that are grown from seeds, all the vast variety of vegetables, fruits that are good for us. Fruits and veggies are things that need to be incorporated in our daily meal plans. They are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that God intended our bodies to need to strengthen and cleanse it. He also created our bodies with a metabolism that is intended to keep it healthy. Weight gain occurs when we take in more calories than the body can burn in normal daily activities. So with the increase of calories there needs to be an increase in metabolism to off-set it. In future Blogs, I will be posting a few healthier meal or snack options; that will help in our quest to live stronger healthier lives. In line with eating healthier we need to get active through excercise. We need to use the natural resources that God has given us such as, Sunlight which produces vitamin D, and also helps aid our bodies. And as always Depend on God to be your strength and to sustain you in your journey.

Jesus Weigh Tip #1 - Jump start your metabolism by excercising 20-30 min, as early as possible setting the tone for the day. In addition try to find different opportunities throughout the day to remain active.

In His Strength, JKEST

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