Monday, April 19, 2010

"Marriage Matters"... Monday #2 (Love is Kind)

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.- Ephesians 4:32

Kindness is love in action... Going back to last week; how many of you had your patience tested?! Or do you feel you passed the test?! This week we have the chance to put our love into action! Patience is how you REact to a situation; Kindness ACTS in response to a situation. We use patience to avoid a problem; Kindness can become the right Blessing needed for one particular moment! The Blessing can be YOU!! Kindness comes from a loving heart. The Bible states the importance of being "Kind": "Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man." (Proverbs 3:3-4) Kindness has 4 main ingredients:

Gentleness: (Def.) kind; NOT severe,rough, or violent; meek & mild (kinda like Jesus) Oh! How even our best intentions can turn SO wrong. When our patience wears thin... with spouse or kids; after a looong day, the last thing we want is to be Kind! (1Peter 3:4 reminds us) rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight if God.

Helpfulness- (Def.) giving or rendering aid or assistance of service... this makes me think SERVant! My Beloved husband is MY Perfect Example of this! At all costs there is nothing he doesn't do! Not just cause he's "unemployed" either. He has a Servant's Heart... gets kids up and ready for school, picks them up. Helps with homework.... after doing dishes & laundry! Does grocery shopping, when I ask... at times with ALL 5 kids...which I find difficult with one! Will bathe kids, if I need him,too... Puts them to bed, which is a task in itself! OK! get the pic.. I have a "Perfect Husband" LOL!!! NO, He just "gets" it!! He has the "Right attitude, gentle spirit, Helpful-Servant's Heart. So, you think I must be lazy and do nothing... I do what I can, when I can. Unfortunately Fibromyalgia gets the "Best" of me. But, I Pray everyday the Lord Blesses me with the strength I need for the day. HE has given me just what I need in my Beloved husband!!! (2 Timothy 2:24) And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient.

Willingness- (Def.) Cheerfully consenting or ready... Wow! CHEERfully Ready. We must be ready and happy to be kind. Again... see MY example above. Be ready and willing to listen to your spouse and their needs. Then act on them if possible! A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. (Proverbs 15:13)

Initiative- (Def.) an introductory act or step; leading action... Kindness thinks ahead, then takes the 1st step. Kindness greets 1st, serves 1st, and... Forgives 1st! This is one I personally, find I must bring before the Lord! I am not naturally affectionate... this takes effort. Serving takes energy... which I often lack. Lastly, forgiveness never comes easily to any of us... but Oh! how much better we feel when it's all said and done! Let HIM lead you in initiating your act of kindness. HE will not fail you! Even there Your hand shall lead me, And your right hand shall hold me. (Psalm 139:10)

For the Best Example of Kindness of All.... I encourage you to look in the Bible at; Luke CH.10. Jesus describes the kindness of love in His parable of the Good Samaritan. One simple act of Kindness brought two actual enemies together. Gently. Helpfully. Willingly. Taking the initiative, this Good Samaritan demonstrated true kindness in every possible way!!
How would your Loved ones describe you on the "Kindness Scale?!" Would they say your harsh... or gentle and helpful? Do you wait to be asked, or do you take the initiative to help? Be the ONE to Be Kind FIRST!! You must first learn to demonstrate Kindness, before you can learn Truelly; how to demonstrate Love!

*Bonus* Commit this week to prioritize just a few minutes of time with God every day. Try to include prayer and Scripture reading. My personal recomendations... Proverbs, Psalm, & John

Love Dare! Continue with the Patience and Positive thoughts and words, But also this week Do at least ONE UNexpected gesture as "An act of Kindness" for Your Loved One! Whatever "Shows" Kindness...
Kindly Yours,
JKEST, Vicki
Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

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