Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Two Thoughts Tuesday: Mule coins & Autism

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

Today I Thought of how we are all from the same mold. Jesus Himself gives us our stamp of approval. Kinda like the coins in the movie I recently saw... "Dear John". We all start out so bright and shiny, our edges perfectly beveled. Rarely, a Mule coin gets minted with an obverse or reverse design; not normally seen on the same piece. This can be intentional or produced by error. This type of error is highly sought after, and examples can fetch steep prices from collectors. In the particular movie, I found myself marveling at similiarities of "Mule" coins... comparing people with autism to these rare highly prized coins. Jesus is the coin collector- keeps His mules close to His heart. We all end up getting tossed around, dirty, flawed and knicked. But Jesus can restore us if we allow Him too! Just as a coin has two sides, both valid, so Jesus Christ has two natures, both valid. He is presented in His humanity as the Son of Man, (see Gospel of Luke); he is portrayed in His deity as the Son of God, (see Gospel of John). I slowly began to see how Jesus portrays His nature in all of us. I am learning to see Him in Our "rare mule"; the son that He has chosen to give us to care for. He too, is stamped and minted in "His Image"... NOT an error; but intentionally produced by our Loving Master!!

HIS Daughter, Vicki

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